Heartcore Records
Heartcore for Czechia - Naše Sny
Heartcore for Czechia - Naše Sny
“Naše Sny (Our Dreams)” is a song produced by Heartcore Records’ manager and singer Michaela Bóková in collaboration with drummer Antonio Sanchez, pianist Larry Goldings, guitarists Lionel Loueke, Brad Shepik and Pedro Martins, bass player Linley Marthe, the children of Strážnice Children’s Home, Damián and Karel Janeček and Mari Zamkova on vocals.
All proceeds from digital sales of this song will fund the purchase of musical equipment and educational materials for the kids living in “Children’s Home Strážnice”.
1. Naše Sny (Our Dreams)
Michaela Bóková - Executive Producer, Lecturing, Choir Leading, Arrangement, Composition, Lyrics, Vocals
Marian Friedl - Composition, Lyrics
Charis Karantzas - Production, Mixing, Arrangement, Backing Vocals
Lionel Loueke - Electric Guitar
Antonio Sanchez - Drums
Pedro Martins - Electric Guitar
Brad Shepik - Tamburas
Larry Goldings - Piano, Synths
Linley Marthe - Electric Bass
Radek Žák - Recording Engineer (Choirs), Amaro Records, Brno
Glenn Schick - Mastering
Children from IQ Roma
Damián Janeček (solo)
Marilin Zámková (solo)
Karel Janeček (solo)
Children from “Children’s Home Strážnice”
Daniel Slinták (solo)
Karolína Kessnerová (solo)
Viktorie Gabčová (solo)
Dana Vašíčková (solo)
Ondřej Hřebačka
Antonín Chládek
Dušan Gabčo
Richard Karlín
Františka Klimplová
Michal Kůřil
Štěpánka Kůřilová
Jarmila Ondrová
George Prohaszka
Samuel Tabery
Valerie Taragošová
Tadeáš Vašíček
Vocal parts were recorded at Amaro Records, Brno 2021
Other instruments were recorded in private studios of the performers, 2021-2022
Filip Kaleta - Camera and color grading
Michaela Bóková - Video editing
Dětský Domov Strážnice, Olga Lysá, Andrea Kropíková, Tereza Kropíková, Pavel Vávra, Xenie and George Prohaszkovi for welcoming me in their beautiful families.
Petra Borovičková, Radek Žák, Gejza Horváth and everyone at Amaro Records and IQ Roma Service Brno for letting us rehearse and record in their studios.
Filip Kaleta for joining me in this adventure with his camera and Jan Pivoňka for his help.
Nadace Via České Spořitelny for their financial support.
Vojta Drnek for his great work and continuous support in making my dreams a reality. Romana Thiel, Nikol Bóková, and my whole family for always believing in me. To Skylee Jeffrey Rosenwinkel for her language skills and everlasting friendship.
Special thanks to Kurt Rosenwinkel for his support, friendship, and freedom to create, work and fill my heart with the most beautiful music we release on Heartcore Records.
Cover artwork made by the children from the Children’s Home Strážnice.
©2022, Heartcore Records
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